100 signatures reached
To: Fond du lac County Health Board
Open WI Campgrounds to Seasonals- as noted in Evers FAQ
Open FDL county campgrounds that have seasonal campers.
Why is this important?
Did you know that surrounding counties are opening their campgrounds? Let’s open fdl campgrounds to seasonals to start a soft opening of campgrounds in fdl county!!
Seasonal campers are a home for some in the summer including healthcare workers who want to keep away from family after shifts to stay safe. It is also a place that people can relax and keep a safe distance just like at home. If we are allowed & encouraged at home to sit outside, walk on the sidewalks, walk our dogs, clean up our yards.. why can’t we do that at our seasonal campers? There is no difference in how close a camper is to another camper in a seasonal setting than a house being that close to another house.
PLEASE- Open with limitations as noted in governor Evers FAQ released 4/16/20 stating campgrounds are allowed to be open with limitations such as no pool, bar, lobby, mini golf, etc being open. We spend a lot of money on rent & have campers to maintain on these sites.
If campers do not follow social distancing, or other set rules then they will not be allowed back in until orders lift. We all respect each other as seasonal campers and would like nothing more than to walk past a camper and just wave hi from a recommended social distance.
Please open our campgrounds so that we can stay safe in our campers. If people are allowed to go golfing & maintain a distance so can we as campers. It’s a community of people who will respect any rules or limitations set in place if opened.
Seasonal campers are a home for some in the summer including healthcare workers who want to keep away from family after shifts to stay safe. It is also a place that people can relax and keep a safe distance just like at home. If we are allowed & encouraged at home to sit outside, walk on the sidewalks, walk our dogs, clean up our yards.. why can’t we do that at our seasonal campers? There is no difference in how close a camper is to another camper in a seasonal setting than a house being that close to another house.
PLEASE- Open with limitations as noted in governor Evers FAQ released 4/16/20 stating campgrounds are allowed to be open with limitations such as no pool, bar, lobby, mini golf, etc being open. We spend a lot of money on rent & have campers to maintain on these sites.
If campers do not follow social distancing, or other set rules then they will not be allowed back in until orders lift. We all respect each other as seasonal campers and would like nothing more than to walk past a camper and just wave hi from a recommended social distance.
Please open our campgrounds so that we can stay safe in our campers. If people are allowed to go golfing & maintain a distance so can we as campers. It’s a community of people who will respect any rules or limitations set in place if opened.