Paul Ryan should be asked to leave the Romney Ticket. Ryan and Akin were in step with each other to redefine abortion in cases of Rape. The whole country cannot stand off Ryan for the sameYesterday, Rep. Todd “Legitimate Rape” Akin (R-MO) and GOP vice presidential candidate Paul Ryan both cosponsored the bill that introduced America to the despicable term “forcible rape.” As it turns out, this may only be the second most sweeping attack on reproductive freedom that both men partnered on. Ryan and Akin also cosponsored a federal personhood bill, the Sanctity of Human Life Act of 2009, which declares that a fertilized egg is entitled to the exact same legal rights as a human being:
Why is this important?
If Todd Akin is being asked to leave his race, then surely Paul Ryan, his partner in changing rape laws has to go as well.