To: Colorado public, The Colorado State House, The Colorado State Senate, and Governor Jared Polis

Permanent Housing for Disabled (TBI)

Recreational Marijuana tax revenues should allocate $10 million annually to create permanent housing for tbi disabled (and compatible intellectually disabled) Colorado citizens by recycling TOWERS building of CU Medical Center at Ninth and Colo. Blvd., Denver, and VA hospital at 1055 Clermont, Denver, and other empty habitable public buildings around the state.

Why is this important?

Recreational Marijuana tax revenues (HB1318) should include $10 million appropriation to create permanent protective therapeutic housing for people disabled by traumatic brain injuries by recycling TOWERS building of CU Med Hospital at Ninth and Colo. Blvd., Denver, then VA hospital at 1055 Clermont, and other empty buildings like Rosedale Elementary, Denver, and Baker Elementary, Wheat Ridge.