To: Austin City Council

Petition to add Fire Station in 78617 to Decrease Response Times & Keep Neighborhood Safe

We, the citizens of Del Valle, petition the City of Austin to build the permanent Moore's Crossing Fire Station and to provide a temporary fire station to protect the community in the interim.

Why is this important?

With the area growing, distance and response times to our closest Fire Station present serious risks to our community and its members. Currently, the response time to Del Valle and the east Travis County area is 13 minutes, which is unacceptable. The Austin Fire Department average response time is 8 minutes, the extra 5 minutes that it takes for a first responder to reach Del Valle could have dire consequences. The Berdoll Farm/Meadows, Los Cielos, and Lexington areas are part of the City of Austin. The City Council must ensure the safety of its citizens, even if we are only on the outskirts of the city.