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To: President Donald Trump

Petition to ban Assault Cars

My petition is simple. Ask congress to ban the cars used to inflict over 32,000 fatalities on undeserving American Citizens. I understand this could be a contentious issue, so there are some concessions I'd be willing to make.
-Identify the common make and model of cars that produce fatalities. Label these as Assault Cars and only ban them.
-Consider limiting car capacity, so that one car could have an upper bound on how many people it could kill.
-Institute a national car registry so that law enforcement can have an easier time tracking down the cars used in manslaughter.

Why is this important?

In 2010 alone, traffic accidents produced 32,788 fatalities. These people were from all ages, walks of life, and included men, women, and children. Furthermore, the cars in these accidents produced untold amounts of carbon emissions. It is time to say enough is enough, and to ask Congress to ban the motorized implements of destruction used in these accidents.



2023-02-12 22:58:43 -0500

10 signatures reached