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To: New Jersey Politicians

Petition to Protect New Jersey Cannabis Workers and Promote Local Industry

Photo by Kimzy Nanney on Unsplash
The United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) Local 360, the official Union of Cannabis Workers from Seed to Sale, both Medical and Adult-Use, has serious concerns about bills A4461/S3235. These bills regulate the production and sale of certain intoxicating hemp products, but they have significant gaps.

Key Concerns:

  • Protecting New Jersey's Cannabis Industry:
    Keeping production in-state safeguards state and local revenue and strengthens the cannabis industry. This supports the standards set by New Jersey’s Medical and Adult-Use legalization laws, promoting equity, justice, jobs, and income.

  • Equal Licensing for Hemp and Cannabis:
    Hemp products should follow the same NJ Cannabis Regulatory Commission (CRC) licensing and regulation process as cannabis. This ensures safety, consistency, and fairness.

  • Local Production Requirement:
    All cannabis and hemp products sold in New Jersey must be cultivated, processed, manufactured, extracted, and tested within the state. This prevents outsourcing to other states and protects local jobs.

Why This Matters:

Aligning hemp regulations with current cannabis rules protects worker rights, ensures health and safety for consumers, and supports our local economy.
Hemp must be Seed to Sale in New Jersey. This is crucial for promoting and protecting New Jersey Cannabis Workers and UFCW Members.

Join us in urging the Assembly and Senate to support local jobs and ensure a safe, fair, and equitable industry by signing this petition to amend Assemble Bill 4461 and Senate Bill3235.

Together, we can secure a prosperous future for New Jersey’s hemp and cannabis industry.

Why is this important?

 Support local cannabis jobs and ensure a safe, fair, and equitable industry.



2024-06-25 08:18:14 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-06-24 19:20:42 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-06-24 18:23:14 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-06-24 18:18:11 -0400

10 signatures reached