To: President Donald Trump

President Obama-Dance with the one who brung ya

President Obama is alleged to have proposed Chain CPI as an olive branch to the GOP in order to get them to vote for a budget. Problem is, we have walked this way before with this crowd. Chain CPI will reduce the amount of cost of living increase sent to recipients of Social Security. Last we've been told Social Security is solvent and will be for at least two generations, so why is our president proposing changes to the program at all? In doing so, the president will join leagues with the GOP in their effort to penalize the elderly and infirm for working hard and paying into Social Security, or those who have had the misfortune of being disabled. The GOP has one song and it's a tune about making heroes out of the wealthy, greedy and privileged, while denigrating hard working, responsible people who did not have the benefit of large inheritances. People who receive Social Security are not moochers, or 'takers', as one candidate claimed. These are people who thought they were paying into a system that would be available to them when they were too aged or ill to generate a salary.

President Obama, do the right thing. You are one of us, not born to privilege, no trust funds to live off in your history. Remember those of us who trusted you to do the right thing, twice, and we need you to stand strong against GOP strong arm tactics. The American public sees what is happening in Washington. You stand with us and we'll stand with you.

Why is this important?

President Obama proposing Chain CPI-If I have to live off less, how am I supposed to live? Those of us receiving Social Security are not bandits robbing a system in which we have invested nothing. The small increases sent to keep up with the cost of living do not make us wealthy, it just helps us get by when we can no longer work.