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To: Find a more qualified person to head the health Divison

Prevent RFK from being the head of Health and Human service

RFK is unqualified and is a threat to the health of the American people. His own cousin Caroline Kennedy address concern of being able to hold an office she feels he is incapable of holding. RFK has been shown to be anti-vaccine and also to be against the use of medication in certain treatments. His stance on some mental disorders is appalling. There is already a growing number of clusters of people suffering diseases that could have been prevented by endorsing vaccines, such as TB and measles. 

Why is this important?

It’s important for the future safety of America, to protect healthcare for all, and provide an adequate structure so that all may get the care they need. This has not been shown to be the priority for RFK and I feel a more competent pick with experience would protect those with pre-existing conditions.