100 signatures reached
To: Global Human Rights Defenders and Activists
Prioritized Resettlement For The LGBTQIA Refugees In The Kakuma Refugee Camp Kenya

The LGBTQIA asylum seekers in the Kakuma Refugee Camp are an extremely vulnerable at risk population. They are the victims of violent attacks from other homophobic refugees in the camp and the Kenyan Police.The Police also fail to protect the LGBTQIA from these attacks. Kenya is a hostile host country that has also criminalized LGBTQIA community members.They experience relentless violence, harassment and discrimination at an exponential rate greater than the other populations in the camp because of homophobic genocide and criminalization of the LGBTQIA community members in Eastern Africa. The UNHCR is unable to protect this population in the camp and has publicly denied this is happening. The LGBTQIA refugees qualify for immediate evacuation and prioritized group RSD and resettlement in safer countries. We are requesting the UNHCR to comply with this request. Please support this call to action by signing this petition. Thank you for supporting this vulnerable at risk population of refugees escaping genocide.
Why is this important?
This is extremely important because it will save lives and secure this group of amnesty seekers in safer countries that will protect their human rights. They are experiencing crimes against humanity in the refugee camp. They have a right to life, human rights, and to safety and protection from LGBTQIA genocide.