To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Promoting democracy in Africa is benefitial to US interests

Help the Cameroonian people stop a thirty year old dictatorship and bring real democracy to an oppressed people

Why is this important?

Current US foreign policy is benevolent and non engaged in promoting real democracy in African countries ruled by dictators such as the case of Cameroon in Central Africa. President Paul Biya has ruled Cameroon for 30 years through fraudulent elections and on one occasional paid retired congress people huge sums of money to validate a frudulent election. Under President Paul Biya, Cameroon has remained stagnant with doctors doing major surgery without the use of anesthestics. Many young Cameroonians are denied the opportunities to educate themselves or to be gainfully employed leading to droves of Cameroonians leaving the country by any means possible and occasionally losing their lives when attempting to cross the Sahara desert to reach Europe. Seeking opportunities in other countries has become a major factor linked to lack of opportunities for Africans in their own countries despite vast potential and resources. Dictatorship such as the entrenched one one in Cameroon has seen a few elites concentrating all the wealth into their own hands with no resources allocated to healthcare, infrastructure, education and much more. American policy makers have to be better educated to bubble up more proactive policies that would improvee the lives of Africans. As a Cameroonian - American, I am very interesting in participatiing with you to to start a petition geared toward policy makers. Please visit youtube to view people undergoing major surgery in Cameroon without the benefit of aneathestics because of the lack of investment in people oriented initiatives because of the hedonism of the dicatorial regime.
