To: Nelson Mosley, Interim Chief of Police

Prosecute Moises Trevizo for Attempted Domestic Terrorism

Moises Trevizo entered the Kansas abortion clinic, the same one where Dr. Tiller was gunned down in 1993, with a backpack full of knives and an explosive device. The police chief decided to believe the man's story that the items were for personal use and that he was present to apply for a pro-choice canvassing job. Hold this man accountable and prosecute Moises Trevizo for attempted domestic terrorism.

Why is this important?

Violence against women is on the rise, and we must assume a ZERO TOLERANCE posture against all weaponized threats. This perpetrator's story is beyond unbelievable; it is laughable. And the police dismissing this incident out of hand within hours could be construed as misconduct.

