To: The Illinois State Senate

Protect local districts access to funding

We ask all Senators to oppose the House amendment to Senate Bill 2073 when it comes back to the Senate. This amendment to Senate Bill 2073 would reduce the revenues available to local taxing districts in tax-capped counties. Where property assessments are declining, the bills would prevent any increase in the aggregate tax levy extension, even though the costs to provide services continue to rise with inflation. This amendment was rushed through the House of Representatives with little consideration. The House amendment changing the Tax Cap law is completely unrelated to the original Senate bill.

Why is this important?

Senate Bill (SB) 2073, would now reduce the revenues available to local taxing districts in tax-capped counties. Where property assessments are declining, the bills would prevent any increase in the aggregate tax levy extension, even though the costs to provide services continue to rise with inflation.

This bill will directly affect libraries in property tax-capped counties by not allowing for any increase in the property tax extension, ignoring escalating budget factors that are beyond the control of the library such as insurance programs (property, liability, unemployment, workers' compensation), employee benefits, fuel supplies, etc.