To: Nancy Pelosi, Rep. Catherine Clark, Rep. Sean Maloney

PROTECT PERFORMING RIGHTS | Policy Integration w/ Grammy's Recording Academy

Concerns of proactive preservation of discretion in procedure through standard conduct mutually should apply artist-to-source neither compromised by outer pre-condition of output/action without a valid basis of influence onto the artist or source unless relation with reason to involve is coherent/plausible or correlates. Harmful infiltration of respective cases among artists/their supporting bodies or other organization personally or legally that require sensitive underpinning/assistance to derive the most accurate results is not congruent with inconsequential trivia circulated to meet deadlines or fill a gap for propped stigma for monetary gain/entertainment robbing the point of fostering an aware creative culture that grows from efficiency not fallacy.

Ignoring how lacking support systems/organizations there are in outlining the diff. between comprehensive intervention in substantial matters and inadequate obnoxious bombardment in media sensationalism and/or underhanded governance trigger to such or those simply negligent will in any capacity in public-eye or not, affect artists/labels/managers/publicists/other corporation for events or foundations or any part of the music/business/or other art community in how they handle critical decisions intact in representing their initiates/artists rather than becoming victim to pressured image or suspension from their core purpose in supporting others by professional means without a subject's faculty or talent/profile to support this sacrificed nor the chain reaction of how systems that support/arrange for issuance being weakened or misled from the integrity of their foremost responsibility to collect & protect facts of what is pertinent or not with an untainted stimulus to do such.

Action needed to alleviate this would be through your partaking in reminding Grammy's (Recording Academy) and/or other relative estab. to place more focus in inaugural or general appoint. meeting on the initial goal originally set in place for creators/initiates (to) them to be vouched for by the law/principle in which it conveys or promises. Stress through campaign effort and communications between networks actively to exercise preventions against cultural stigma or internal business episodes of bias that aren't apprehended that should not overrule or sway the individual betterment every creator or worker for the whole of a system to operate more functionally with truth as art inspires to the same.
Communicate, disperse, and confirm this information among those of ability to do so among the masses.

Why is this important?

If primary basic compensation in whatever form alone for artists/sources' work or partaking is a concern so should the social/professional respect to protect the dynamic and knowledge of subjects' contribution to the industry in-turn for their livelihood/well-being to inspire their public which also means public witness/advocacy to this concern means (as) much stimulating a more aware sphere within any arena related to art/business which falls on the quality of it's culture's support to support (it) by initially maintaining how creators stand for themselves by their own right.

MIND | CHAOS CULT's project fund proceeds conjoins same value with the GrammyFund to mandate the fair automatic acknowledgement of artists'/other officials' decision-making outside what excludes them from their own creative/intellectual property value (known to them) to further expansive interest.

How it will be delivered

MIND members will be notified through direct contact via. email with select default image of petition exclusive prelude to additional material. Main image ft. accorded to petition serves as voucher qualifying induction into CHAOS CULT's community to use for media dispersal showing signature of (X) in exchange for a (bts) ft. to debut material w/ introductory welcome & thanks for engagement consummate to anniversary review tribute avowal for honoring the shared vision as a voice.