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To: House of Representatives, Senate, President

CONGRESS: Enlarge the Food Stamp Program (SNAP) for Americans in Need due to COVAD19

Enact legislation during this Coronavirus crises to extend food stamps (SNAP Program) for families/individuals who have lost their jobs.

Why is this important?

Food banks are ill equipped to handle the volume of recipients as a result of the multitudes of Americans who have lost their income. The Food Stamp program (SNAP) would allow these folks to purchase their groceries in the supermarket allowing them dignity and safety by not waiting in lines for 3 hours or more. Also supermarkets are designed to move a lot of food and food banks do not have the same capacity.

This petition is to go to your Members of Congress and Senators.


2020-08-08 13:07:19 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-05-14 01:08:19 -0400

10 signatures reached