To: Dorval R. Carter Jr., President, CTA, Kirk Dillard, Chair, RTA, Leanne Redden, executive director, RTA, Rep. Janice Schakwsky, (D-IL-9), Rep. Tammie Duckworth, IL, President Donald Trump, The Illinois State Senate, Governor J.B. Pritzk...

Public Officials: Stop Poor Pace Paratransit, Return It to CTA

Stop the $5 Pace Paratransit Fare in IL and horrible service to seniors and other riders who are disabled and stranded for hours or taken out of the way in opposite directions from destination. Return Paratransit to the CTA!

Why is this important?

We Must Stop the $5 Paratransit Fare in IL predicated on Gov. Rauner transit budget cuts. Riders led by IMPRUVE sued Pace in 2007, now their carriers have returned to stranding riders, keeping them in vehicles for hours, and taking them in opposite directions, adding 1-2 hours to trip time as . seniors and other riders who are disabled are charged late fees by healthcare facilities, and should not have to be hours late for health and work appointments, miss caregivers, meals, work, school. Return the Paratransit to CTA in Chicago and take national Paratransit poll at