To: The California State Senate

Re-Prioritize Early Care and Education in the 2016-17 California State Budget!

I am writing to express my deep concern about the Governor’s proposed budget May revise. The May revise proposal provides no priority to the early care and education field. There is no additional general funding for child care and the revise removes the very modest cost of living adjustment increase that had finally been restored after many years of no increases.

Additionally, there is no acknowledgement of the incredible impacts that the minimum wage increase will have to families trying to qualify for subsidy, and for the agencies that run these important programs.

I support the Assembly’s action to oppose the Early Education Block Grant, and would urge the opposition to the voucherization proposal.

I also urge the Senate to take similar action and to prioritize the Joint Legislative Women’s Caucus' request of an $800 million investment in our child care system. I appreciate the administration’s interest in reform of the child care and early education system, however the budget process is not the method to make sweeping policy changes.

Why is this important?

I am writing to express my deep concern about the Governor’s proposed budget May revise.