To: The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Recall of San Diego Judge Kenneth K. So.

Please sign this petition to demand a thorough investigation and the recall of San Diego Judge Kenneth K. So.
Judge Kenneth K So caused a 24 Year old man, Michael Sussman, along with the City Attorneys office and Michael Sussman’s own attorney, Michael McCABE, to be psychological tortured which resulted in a covert murder, Michael Sussman’s death. Judge Kenneth K. So was also involved in the taking away of Jonah Rief from his mother Tammy Rief. BOTH THE SUSSMAN TRIAL AND THE RIEF TRIAL WERE KANAGROO TRAILS VOID OF ANY CONSTITIONAL RIGHTS TO EITHER Michael, Tammy, or Jonah or Michael’s mother Nancy. He convinced the attorneys for Michael and Tammy to sell their client out, not defend them and in fact go along with him depriving both parties of sixth amendment right to counsel. He willfully deprived both parties of their civil rights. This was a judge and prosecutor trial only. He falsely criminalized Michael without a record and separate him permanently from his mother. Both parties were found guilty when they were not, Tammy of kidnapping her own child that Kenneth So had actual knowledge was being sexually abused, he then sent Jonah into the world of international sex trafficking having actual knowledge that would happen to him. He criminalized Michael Sussman, had him handcuffed of 100 times and sent him to jail without bail because he wanted to be with his mother and their was a vague unconstitutional restraining order prohibiting the same against both parties wishes. He wanted to separate the bond between the Rief's and the Sussmans permanently. After Michael that did not work he arranged for a permanent solution, death. The Judge, Prosecutor and Michaels own attorneys are a bunch of masochistic bullies who psychological torture the most vulnerable. The worst of the worst is Judge Kenneth So who systematically demean our laws and constitution, in violation of Title 18, Section 242 of the federal code. His power is unyielding and lead to murder in this case. They labeled Michael falsely, a criminal and knew that the authorities would deem the death accidental when it was a covert murder. Jonah is expected to be dead as well. If not removed the psychopathic behavior will be escalated to the next victim. He already killed two with impunity. Kenneth So believes he is above the law and unaccountable. Make him accountable, recall him from office and then lets work on his indictment for criminal felonies. Please see our website and Jonah Riefs page

Why is this important?

To get Judge So removed as he clearly has no conscious and before he finds another target. He feels he has absolute power and is not accountable. Lets make him accountable by removing him from his position of power.