500 signatures reached
To: Spelman College
Reduce Spelman’s 2020/21 tuition costs/fees
As a Spelmanite we live by standards that have been valued and upheld for decades. It is unfortunate the situation that we are currently in as an institution, it is more unfortunate of a situation that you have put the remote student body in. Only reducing tuition costs as much as 10% and fees 40% as if the online education we will be receiving is equivalent to 90% of what we usually would be getting. As a very patient student body we have been waiting restlessly to hear this news, and to hear that we would be receiving a measly 10% off is absurd. We want to see this change, we are asking for conversation, but more importantly we are asking for more than 10% off considering we will only be receiving 50% of the education we normally receive. We are asking the president, faculty and staff to be more empathetic towards the state of the world right now. It would be completely unfair and unjust to still demand such a high price for tuition for remote learning.
Why is this important?
As a current student at this amazing institution, I can speak for myself and my peers to say that this situation we are in is almost unheard of. It is a very troubling time, and we are all working to make the best of it, but knowing that the institution that we call our home does not seem to be on the same page is disheartening. We are supposed to have open dialogue and work as a community, and right now the majority of the community is not in acceptance of the new tuition costs that have been set. It is important to understand how much we have already put into this institution, and to know that some of my peers will not be able to return due to an insufficient decrease in price is alarming to the Spelman community. A 10% decrease in tuition is truly unacceptable in this situation and we are asking for this to change before we transition into the fall semester.