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To: Supervisor Gioia

Reduce the Number of Coyotes in Our Neighborhoods

Reduce the Numbers of Coyotes in our neighborhoods

This year we have seen an explosion of coyotes in our local neighborhoods of El Cerrito, Kensington, and Berkeley. Sightings are at all times of the day and evening on local streets.

Numerous cats have been killed in their yard, people have to restrict walking their dogs for fear of being attacked. It’s not how any of us want to live, constantly chasing away predators from our backyards, nor do we want to make our homes a fortress as coyotes can jump a high fence.

We can co exist if the numbers are reduced and they have to live and hunt in the parks, and not hunt daily in our yards. Coyotes become habituated over time to humans, and lose their fear. They have moved from the parks , ie Tilden, Eastbay Parks to patrolling our streets at all hours of the day; they have jumped fences to attack pets in spite of people being present.

Why is this important?

Sign this petition to let our local leaders know that this is no longer acceptable. They need to be culled and reduced to manageable numbers on an annual basis.

My cat was chased through a neighbor’s fenced yard while she was there, unnerved by the encounter, and we do not know the fate of my beloved pet. Countless others report losing their pets to this predator.

Learning to live with coyotes is NOT working when they are constantly around seeking food, having encounters with the residents, young and old.

Sign this petition to let our local leaders know that this is no longer acceptable. They need to be culled and reduced to manageable numbers on an annual basis.


2021-08-01 16:22:43 -0400

100 signatures reached

2021-08-01 00:16:32 -0400

50 signatures reached

2021-07-31 19:37:51 -0400

25 signatures reached

2021-07-31 18:39:18 -0400

10 signatures reached