Without notice Divvy installed a bike sharing station 17 feet from our front door bringing commercial enterprise, noise, foot and vehicular traffic, safety concerns and property devaluation. We are Divvy supporters, but let's advocate for safe, appropriate placement that does not disturb the quiet enjoyment of residential homes.
Why is this important?
Our access to Pine Grove is now completely blocked which is where we load and unload children, elderly parents, groceries, etc. We are now forced to do this in a tow zone on Addison. Ironically Addison is deemed unsafe for the cyclists. The stop sign is obstructed and the station is 10 feet into a tow zone. All Divvy locations in the 46th ward except one are by commercial enterprises and the one residential site (not yet installed) is at the back of a building not disturbing privacy. Let's advocate for appropriate, safe locations for Divvy.