To: United States Postal Service, Waynesville, MO

Relocation of Mailboxes

Stop the mishandling and theft of our mail/packages by relocating our mailboxes in front of our homes.

Why is this important?

We in the Northern Heights Subdivision believe that we are entitled to have our own individual mailboxes re-located to in front of each individual home like most communities in the area. We as a subdivision have contacted the Waynesville Post Office on numerous occasions about mail being placed in the wrong boxes and the theft of our mail. London Lane along with Lambert Lane have all mailboxes clustered together while other streets have their mailboxes located in front of their residences. We demand that the United States Postal Service in Waynesville MO allow us, the tax-paying homeowners, the right to to our own mailboxes in front of our homes, to ensure the correct delivery and reduction of theft.