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To: The citizens of Ohio.

Remove mike dewine.

Hold a special election to remove and replace mike dewine as governor of the state of ohio.

Why is this important?

Mike dewine has exceeded his authority as governor with unconstitutional orders and mandates. He has violated court orders and demanded law enforcement execute his unconstitutional mandates in spite of those orders. His actions willfully endanger citizens of ohio and deprive them of due process and medical treatment.


2020-08-01 15:39:59 -0400

10,000 signatures reached

2020-07-31 07:50:12 -0400

5,000 signatures reached

2020-07-30 06:57:07 -0400

1,000 signatures reached

2020-07-29 22:36:21 -0400

500 signatures reached

2020-07-29 20:02:10 -0400

100 signatures reached

2020-07-29 19:15:15 -0400

50 signatures reached

2020-07-29 18:49:22 -0400

25 signatures reached

2020-07-29 18:19:03 -0400

10 signatures reached