Remove Rush Limbaugh from the Airwaves.

Rush Limbaugh needs to be taken off the air at KWVR. His deplorable comments about Sandra Fluke, the young woman who spoke to Congress about womens reproductive rights. It's not a conservative or libral issue, it's about the disrespect toward women in general and their right to chose birth control. I don't think anyone from either political persuasion would approve of a female loved one being called a slut or she should go make porno movies because of the private choices she makes. It's time to kick this moron hypocrite off the air.

Why is this important?

Rush Limbaugh needs to be taken off the air at KWVR. His deplorable comments about Sandra Fluke, the young woman who spoke to Congress about womens reproductive rights. It's not a conservative or libral issue, it's about the disrespect toward women in general and their right to chose birth control. I don't think anyone from either political persuasion would approve of a female loved one being called a slut or she should go make porno movies because of the private choices she makes. It's time to kick this moron hypocrite off the air.