To: Wesley Peper, General Sales Mgr., WTKS 1290 Savannah, GA

Remove Rush Limbaugh in Savannah

Let Rush Limbaugh's demeaning attack on Sandra Fluke, the law student who spoke to Congress about women's reproductive rights, be the final nail in the coffin he has been building for himself. For far too long he has been provided airtime and a large salary to promote his bigoted, misogynistic and ignorant agenda in the name of free speech/entertainment. WTKS 1290 should silence this verbally aggressive hatemonger by removing him from the air in Savannah.

Why is this important?

Rush Limbaugh has most recently abused his airtime by attacking a law student speaking out about women's reproductive rights. This is yet another example of conservative radio, and Rush Limbaugh in particular, attempting to intimidate women from speaking out on women's issues.
