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To: I asking the people of America who Believe that Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas should be removed because of his wife’s actions during the January 6th Insurection

Remover Justice Clarence Thomas From The Supreme Court.

Justice Clarence Thomas wife Virginia “Ginni” Thomas, was involved in the January 6, 2020 insurrection. Any all Justice’s on UNITED STATE SUPREME COURT are held along with there spouse and families are held to a higher standard for their appointed Justice Seat. Justice Clarence should of resigned because of the action Virginia “Ginni” Thomas Involvement in the Insurrection. Not only has she been involved Justice Clarence Thomas, knew what his wife was involved in doing he refused to discuss the embarrassment with anyone for more then a week. JUSTICE CLARENCE THOMAS NEED TO BE REMOVER FROM OFFICE!

Why is this important?

All UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT JUSTICE’S go through rigorous questioning from representatives at Congress about there beliefs and there families, education, business and social dealing are and were. In clouding drinking “beer” This is to insure Justice’s who are approved are held to a high standard once they hold a seat on The United State Supreme Court. His silence was because he didn’t want to be involved knowing his wife Virginia “Ginni” Thomas violated the higher standard he and his approved for the seat he holds. This petition is to remove Justice Clarence Thomas from THE UNITED STATE SUPREME COURT due to his wife violation and not doing anything to stop her from January 6th, 2020 Insurrection which others are being jailed for by disrupting the legal proceeding and change of Presidency.


2024-06-17 15:41:49 -0400

10 signatures reached