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To: Oley Valley Community Members

Removing Christina Moyer from the Oley Valley school board

Due to the recent discovery of Christina Moyer’s antisemitism display on her garage facing the Oley Valley High school we are asking for her to step down from the Oley Valley School Board effective immediately! HATE has NO place in the Oley Valley even more so someone that is sitting on our board representing Oley and making decisions for our children and teachers!

Why is this important?

Our children deserve better! This means a sitting school director has blatantly anti-semitic and dehumanizing language and symbol on her property. This is beyond unacceptable. It creates an unsafe and unwelcoming environment for Jewish students, faculty, staff, and family, and for any people who were traumatized by non-Aryan hate mongering, race baiting, anti-LGBTQIA+ hate, and fascism more generally. We are BETTER than this.


2024-05-14 18:38:45 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-05-14 16:13:20 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-05-14 15:18:45 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-05-14 15:04:32 -0400

10 signatures reached