The White House and the U.S. Trade Representative are urging Congress to abdicate some of its power over approval of trade agreements by renewing “fast track” authority. Forcing Congress to vote on an agreement this complex without adequate time for open hearings, review, and public scrutiny is dangerous. Representative Brownley, we urge you: just say NO to fast track!
Why is this important?
Fast track would allow the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership to leapfrog customary legislative protocol and be put to a rapid “up or down” vote without a public hearing, floor debate, or amendments. Transnational corporations have taken advantage of similar fast track negotiations In the past and the resulting agreements have hollowed out our economy, undermined our national sovereignty, and created a race to the bottom for the world’s workers. A fast-tracked Trans-Pacific Partnership is a recipe for more of the same.
As a working professional near retirement age, I’ve personally witnessed America’s economic and civic decline in this era of so-called “free trade.” I’m worried what the future will hold for the next generation. We cannot give up democratic control of our own destiny - Congress must represent us and hold these powerful corporate interests accountable in all upcoming trade talks.