To: Rep. Duncan Hunter (CA-50)

Rep. Hunter: Take nuclear war on Iran OFF the table

Rep. Hunter: Apologize for your call to bomb Iran with nuclear weapons. I don't want another war. That's why I oppose your reckless and immoral war rhetoric and support the historic diplomatic efforts underway. You should listen to the American people, support diplomacy, and oppose more war and sanctions.

Why is this important?

Have you seen the INSANE things that opponents of US-Iran diplomacy have been saying?

Representative Duncan Hunter (R-CA) - a sitting member of the House Armed Services committee - said today that the U.S. SHOULD NUKE IRAN. (View the video here:

At a time when the U.S. and Iran have entered historic talks to achieve a peaceful resolution to PREVENT the threat of more nuclear weapons, Hunter opposes the talks and instead wants to start a nuclear war. Hunter says the nuclear military option must be on the table and should include a “massive aerial bombardment campaign” utilizing “tactical nuclear devices” to set Iran “back a decade or two or three.”

The American people do not want war, we want our leaders to utilize the power of diplomacy to peacefully resolve the standoff with Iran. We cannot be silent when our elected leaders condone the use of nuclear weapons and the killing of thousands of innocent Iranians. Take a moment to send a strong message to Rep. Hunter that will resonate with all our elected officials.