To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Repair Our Roads, Bridges, Highways and Power Grid

It is time to get Americans back to work. It is time to start spending aid money here at home on our own citizens through construction programs to rebuild our roads, bridges, highways and power grid.
The Interstate Highway System is over 60 years old and the aging infrastructure of our power grid has transformers that average 40 years of age.
There is nothing wrong with our country getting older, but we cannot let it fall apart. We must start rebuilding while helping our fellow countryman who is out of work. It is time to get America restarted again. We cannot afford to let our country continue to crumble and fall apart while employment figures do not more. It is time to make something happen.

Why is this important?

The roads, bridges and power grid in our country are getting too old for comfort. The roads and bridges were made many years ago for less traffic and lighter loads. It is time for totally new construction before more bridges collapse and more people are killed. The insufficient bases are causing roads to crack and buckle. Black outs will be getying worse because of an outdated power grid.