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To: Pauline Chapman, Mrs., Name, Title or Position (optional), President Donald Trump, The Ohio State House, The Ohio State Senate, Governor Mike DeWine, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Repeal GPO and WEP in Ohio

Stop unfairly penalizing those who have worked in both Public Employees Retirement System and Social Security.

Why is this important?

Repealing the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP).
I have worked 27 years in the Social Security System and am approaching 20 years in the OPERS System. Upon retiring I find that I will be penalized in the Social Security System and not allowed to draw my full benefit that I worked and pain into. Furthermore I will be penalized by 2/3 if I choose to draw on my deceased Husband 's benefit, who worked and paid into the system for over 40 years. Because I have been the supportive spouse and worked for a low wage, just worked so we could provide a college education for our children, my pension will be cut substantially and I hope not at poverty level.
For years now there have been Senate and House bills introduced to repeal this law but they never make it to the floor to be voted on, simply because of the battle over Social Security.
This law is unfair and should be repealed. Ohio is one of eight states with that law. Many others will be affected and don't realize it. To name a few, Teachers who have spouses that work in Social Security, Public Servant workers with spoused in the Social Security.
This law should be brought to the floor of both the House and Senate and repealed.



2023-08-23 09:25:13 -0400

500 signatures reached