To: The Arizona State Senate
Repeal the Wrongful Birth Bill
Repeal the senate bill 1359 that amends title 12, chapter 6, article 12, section 12-718 which is commonly known as the Wrongful Birth Bill. This bill forfeits a woman's right to make an informed decision about the wellbeing of her child and also allows doctors to not assume responsibility for negligence that results during their patients’ pregnancies.
Why is this important?
In the beginning of March 2012, Arizona passed the bill 1359 that amends title 12, chapter 6, section 12-718, also known as the Wrongful Birth Bill. This bill states that a doctor cannot be sued for medical malpractice if he or she withholds information from a mother about a child's potential health issues that could influence her decision to have an abortion even at the cost of the mother's life. This is not about being pro-life or pro-choice this is about protecting a woman's right to make an informed decision about the wellbeing of her child.