To: President Donald Trump

Restore full diplomatic relations with the Republic of Cuba.

Restore full diplomatic relations with the Republic of Cuba
We petition the President to immediately restore full diplomatic relations with the Republic of Cuba, with the exchange of ambassadors, without any preconditions.

We also petition for a lifting of the 60 year old trade embargo and of all travel restrictions on Americans travelling to the Republic of Cuba, for business or tourism, taking note of the fact that rescinding many of these restrictions may require acts of Congress.

We understand the opposition to this action by Cuban-American groups dedicated to the overthrow of the Castro regime, which we note, has at times severely restricted the human rights of individual Cubans.

Nevertheless, we ask the President to open full relations and begin a new chapter in the long history between our two so very close countries. The time is now.

Why is this important?

Now is the time for the President to end the 60 year old failed Cold War policy that has accomplished nothing except the impoverishment of the Cuban people. Thanks to the massive turnout of all Latino voters for the President, Obama can now open relations without fear. It will mean jobs and sales for American workers and businesses, people to people contacts that could lead to reforms and change, and an end to the hypocrisy where we deny trade and travel to Cuba but permit it to China and Vietnam. THIS IS PETITION IS ON WHITEHOUSE.GOV at, please sign it in both locations!