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To: Arizona MVD

Reversing Arizona MVD decision to handcuff EV drivers to cloud plates

I am writing to express a growing concern among electric vehicle (EV) owners in Arizona regarding the current restriction that mandates the use of cloud-design license plates for all EVs. While we understand and appreciate the intent behind this unique design to promote environmental consciousness, it is our belief that this restriction inadvertently limits the personal expression and individuality of EV drivers.

Electric vehicle owners are some of the most enthusiastic and forward-thinking members of our community, often choosing to drive EVs to reduce their environmental footprint and embrace innovative technologies. As such, many of us feel a strong connection to our vehicles and would like the opportunity to further personalize them with custom license plates, just as owners of traditional vehicles can.

As a veteran, I am particularly interested in displaying my service and pride through a veteran-design license plate.
The ability to choose a veteran plate would mean a great deal to me and many others who have served. It is a way to honor our service while also promoting the use of environmentally friendly vehicles.

We respectfully request that the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division consider amending the current policy to allow electric vehicle owners the freedom to select custom license plates, while still maintaining the option for those who prefer the cloud design. This change would be a progressive step towards acknowledging the importance of personal choice and expression for all Arizona drivers.

Thank you for considering our petition. We are hopeful that the Arizona Department of Transportation will recognize the value in granting this small but meaningful request to the growing community of electric vehicle owners in our state.


Why is this important?

By sending this letter, EV owners hope to see a positive change that fosters greater personal expression and satisfaction among Arizona's driving community. Thank you for your attention to this matter.



2024-05-24 12:54:19 -0400

10 signatures reached