This projected housing development project sits directly over the fragile Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. This project will add approx 1200 homes to a fragile area that is being heavily developed already.
Why is this important?
Rutherford Ranch North is a massive proposed housing development located in northeastern Hays County within the ecologically sensitive Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone and Dripping Springs ETJ. The proposed development would transform 781 Acres of beautiful, oak-filled hill country ranching land into yet another residential community, containing approximately 1,252 homes.
Rutherford Ranch North would increase runoff, affecting local and regional groundwater quality, by transporting residential pollutants straight into the Edwards aquifer through Little Bear Creek and local geologic recharge features, like Dahlstrom Cave. Dye tests prove that water entering Dahlstrom Cave is in local wells within ten hours and Barton Springs shortly after. This increased runoff would also infringe on the private property rights of nearby landowners who depend on the aquifer for drinking water and who live in fear of local flooding. Rutherford Ranch North would be located next to an area recognized as a Floodplain by FEMA. Nearby landowners have spent countless hours and large sums of money to combat flooding and would be forced to devote even more of their limited time and resources to protect and maintain their property.
In addition to polluting the aquifer, Rutherford Ranch North would Increase traffic on already congested roads. The area contains a rock quarry and there are plans for a park, a large high school, and several other housing developments in addition to a future toll road - SH-45SW. The Rutherford Ranch North development would only add to the increased traffic caused by these projects.
Please sign this petition today and tell Dripping Springs that Rutherford Ranch North would be a disaster for the aquifer, local landowners, and the region.