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To: Governor Newsom, Senator Susan Rubio, CJP Board member Beatriz E. Tapia


San Mateo Judge Elizabeth Hill signed a custody order in 2017 knowing the mother Kirstina E, was never served with the custody lawsuit or the order. Without service of the lawsuit and order on the defendant, the order is void from the date it was signed. "A judgment entered without notice is void and can be attacked at any time." W.M. v. V.A, 30 Cal.App.5th 64, 74-75 (2018), which is an interstate custody case. 31 months later J. Hill modified the void order into a void child abduction order and seized Kristina’s daughter from Pennsylvania to San Mateo. In September 2021 Judge Rachel Holt ordered a deputy sheriff to seek a restraining order against Kristina because Kristina reported sexual abuse of her daughter. Judge Holt said it is domestic violence to report incest and gave custody of the child to the alleged incesting father. Kristina has not seen her child in nine months. Kristina has filed complaints with the Commission on Judicial Performance and with Governor Newsom and is seeking immediate investigation and possible removal of the two judges. Please sign the petition to make the CJP, Senator Rubio, and Newsom act now for the protection of Kristina’s daughter.

Why is this important?

Judge Hill violated the most fundamental right we have -- notice and opportunity to be heard. A young child is involved -- taken from her mother without notice. J. Holt's claim that it is domestic violence to report a father for incest endangers children whose fathers sexually abuse them. The Domestic Violence Protection Act is designed to protect children, NOT men who engage in incest. These judges must be investigated and hopefully removed from the bench. Please join with us to demand the CJP and Governor Newsom immediately launch an investigation of these two judges. Governor Newsom appointed J. Holt to the bench. Kristina's daughter remains in danger.

How it will be delivered

stage a press conference



2023-06-06 12:48:20 -0400

500 signatures reached

2022-05-25 11:52:21 -0400

100 signatures reached

2022-05-24 10:58:01 -0400

50 signatures reached

2022-05-20 18:57:42 -0400

25 signatures reached

2022-05-19 09:28:50 -0400

10 signatures reached