To: Congressman John Sarbanes, Congressman Elijah Cummings, Congressman Dutch Ruppersberger, Senator Barbara Mikulski, and Senator Ben Cardin

Congressmen Sarbanes and Ruppersberger: Stand up for Social Security

Congressman Sarbanes and Ruppersberger.:
Defend your constituents who are now or will be on Social Security. Please publicly oppose any deal with cuts in Social Security.

Congressman Cummings and Senators Milkulski and Cardin:
Thank You. We are proud of your stand opposing deals that cut Social Security benefits.

Why is this important?

Even though Social Security has nothing to do with the budget deficit, Republicans insist on adopting chained CPI, a new formula for inflation increases in benefits. It is just a disguised attempt to reduce Social Security benefits. The current formula already fails to take account of the real inflationary expenses that face seniors: utilities and health care. The new formula will further penalize people who can ill afford these cuts. And the only reason for the cuts is to reduce taxes for the wealthy.

Senators Mikulski & Cardin and Congressman Cummiings have publicly stated their opposition to any deals that contain this disguised cut..

But Congressmen Sarbanes & Ruppersberger have failed to do so.