Adhere to the 2004 Master Plan for Gwinnett's Parks & Recreation Department; save The Range for future park land; and protect these 130 acres from any and all developers.
Why is this important?
In one of Gwinnett's most populous, yet recreationally under-served census tracts, 130 acres of green space, known as "The Range" is up for sale by Cisco Corporation. Cisco is known for its past community-minded green initiatives. We need to push our county commissioners into successfully negotiating a land acquisition deal, using available 2009 SPLOST funds, that will preserve all this undeveloped land for much needed soccer fields, a dog walking park, and even an aquatic center in future years. Cisco plans to close on any shareholders-appealing deal by the end of April 2012. Although there is nothing yet under contract, the 130-acres property was "shown" twice in the last few weeks. Due to a gag rule imposed upon all parties to this pending sale, we just don't know if Gwinnett County was either or both those prospective buyers. Once the land falls under contract with a developer, it's too late to do anything about it. So, time is fast running out!