To: Richard Anderson, CEO of Amtrak, National Association of Rail Passengers, Railpac, Amtrak Board Of directors, US Congress, American's With Disabilities Act, Rail Passengers Association, The California State House, The California State Se...

Save Amtrak's Long Distance Trains

Amtrak's network of long distance trains are a wonderful, economical, environmentally friendly way of travelling. Amtrak's network of Long distance trains serve communities that do not have airports, nor are served by greyhound, mega bus, or bolt bus.
There is news of troubling policies that would eliminate this way of travel starting wit the elimination of hot meals in the dining car.
If this were to happen The United States would be the only Major Country in the world that does not have a national rail network.

Why is this important?

This Petition is about preserving Amtrak's Network of Long Distance Trains for future generations to enjoy. I am starting this petition for the following two reasons; one, I cannot imagine the United States being the only Major Country in the world that does not have a national Rail Network, and two Amtrak serves a lot of people, some of these people either do not like to fly or cannot fly for a number of reasons.
This issue is very important to me because, in 2015 I was in an accident, due to this accident I have Sciatica in my left leg, and lower back pain. Due to this accident I cannot wait in long lines, nor can I fly.