To: The Nevada State House and The Nevada State Senate


Please urge the Appropriations Subcommittee on Commerce and Justice to restore appropriated funding of $12 million for the Court Appointed Special Advocate program for children (CASA). Tell the subcommittee of your support, and include the CASA program on your appropriations programmatic request list.

CASA saves lives—The program has achieved unprecedented success in breaking the cycle of abuse and neglect, and offering our most vulnerable children hope of a safe, loving, permanent home.

CASA saves billions in taxpayer dollars—Every dollar spent on CASA yields $23 in savings in the foster care and family court systems.

CASA is good policy—It is the model of an outstanding public/private partnership. A nonprofit organization, backed by the Department of Justice, and fueled by 75,000 volunteer child advocates.

The need is urgent—With current resources we only reach 240,000 of the nearly 660,000 children in foster care. The proposed budget cut would devastate our ability to reach even the small fraction we do today.

This is society’s obligation—Protecting the rights and safety of abused and neglected children is one of society’s most fundamental obligations.

Restoring this funding is neither controversial nor debatable. These children need our help and CASA is the proven solution. Thank you for your attention and support of this critical issue!

Why is this important?

For 10 years National CASA received $12 million in funding for the CASA program through the Victims of Child Abuse Act. Last year Congress reduced the funding for CASA programs to $4.5 million. And now, the administration has proposed eliminating all funding for this vital program in FY 2013.