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To: The Mayor of Scarsdale and the Trustees of the Village of Scarsdale

Save OUR Scarsdale Neighborhoods from Demolition and Overdevelopment

Photo by Matt Jones on Unsplash
We, the undersigned, request the Mayor and Trustees of the Village of Scarsdale to adopt a resolution imposing a six month moratorium on all development in the village and on all teardowns. During that period, we ask the Mayor and Village Board of Trustees to hold public work sessions on this subject, and to engage consultants and law firms as needed to modernize our codes and strengthen our governance to preserve our neighborhoods from overdevelopment.

Why is this important?

Our neighborhood homes are being systematically dismantled by over zealous builders and contractors without regard to history, aesthetics, community and sense of space.
NOW IS THE TIME TO STEP UP and make your opinions known


2024-01-04 14:15:23 -0500

Happy New Year ! Tuesday January 9 ,2024 is the next public meeting at Village Hall. The meeting commences at 8 pm and it is to address changes made to the original moratorium draft. This is another opportunity to be heard and your attendance and voice will serve the cause well. See the link for details of the current working moratorium document.

2023-12-10 12:36:21 -0500

This Tuesday December 12, 2023 @8 pm at Village Hall is YOUR opportunity to voice your support of the demolition and development . Be there
If you absolutely cannot attend the meeting you may access online during the public comment phase of the hearing by accessing the meeting at, or by calling in using 1-929-436-2866 and entering the Meeting ID 931 8370 3358

2023-12-03 07:52:40 -0500

CIRCLE THE DATE. December 12, 2023 8 pm at Village Hall . SUPPORT THE MORATORIUM.
A public hearing needs the public to be there . Bodies count!
Speak in favor of the 6 month moratorium on demolition and development of the Scarsdale housing stock

2023-11-28 14:10:50 -0500

CIRCLE THE DATE. December 12, 2023 8 pm at Village Hall . SUPPORT THE MORATORIUM.
A public hearing needs the public to be there . Bodies count!
Speak in favor of the 6 month moratorium on demolition and development of the Scarsdale housing stock

2023-11-16 12:23:09 -0500

YOUR concern is being heard ...Congratulations!
On this past Tuesday November 14 , the Scarsdale BOT voted to hold a public hearing on the proposed moratorium on demolition and development. The public hearing is scheduled for 8 pm on Tuesday December 12 . WE NEED TO SHOW UP EN MASSE . CIRCLE THE DATE

2023-11-13 10:37:48 -0500

BE PRESENT at the BOT meeting on Tuesday November 14 @ 8pm

2023-10-25 13:22:20 -0400

The petition was presented to the board for their consideration. While the current owner of 27 Woods has not filed an appeal , we anticipate one will follow. Tuesday November 14 is the next BOT meeting . WE NEED YOU TO BE THERE . We should be encouraged by the recent decision to spare the Milstein House at 76 Birchall Dr. by the Westchester County Supreme Court. FORWARD THE PETITION TO ALL YOUR SCARSDALE CONTACTS AND IMPLORE THEM TO SIGN . The community is making progress. Keep it rolling.

2023-10-22 14:53:38 -0400

The petition will be presented to the Scarsdale Village Board of Trustees on this Tuesday October 24, 2023 at 8:00 pm. YOUR PRESENCE WILL BE FELT . This is our best opportunity to create change ! BE THERE AND SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!

2023-10-16 12:02:13 -0400

100 signatures reached

2023-10-15 09:27:59 -0400

50 signatures reached

2023-10-14 10:29:40 -0400

25 signatures reached

2023-10-13 17:55:26 -0400

10 signatures reached