To: President Donald Trump, The Missouri State House, The Missouri State Senate, Governor Mike Parson, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Save Social Security

I am asking that you reconsider cutting Social Security benefits. We, the people, who depend on these funds, need them to live. If you cut them, then we will not be able to finish out our retirement years with integrity. We worked hard for all these years, we are entitled to be taken care of with the money we paid going into to Social Security. Think about it, what if you had to live on what I would....could you do it? I already know the answer to that question. Now be honest with yourself and put yourself in our shoes. Keep Social Security going without making any cuts.

Thank you !!
Elisa Harness

Why is this important?

Saving Face among the elderly who depend on Social Security benefits. Help them to keep their integrity during their retirement years.