To: Cyndi Stevenson, County Commisioner- District 1, Ron Sanchez, Commissioner, District 2, Rachael L. Bennett, [email protected], and Name, Title or Position (optional)

Save the wetlands of St. Johns County

Please don't build County Road 2209.

Why is this important?

The county of saint johns is proposing a road to extend saint johns parkway to county road 208. if you go here: you can see a mpa of the proposed alighment of the road. it goes right through the wet lands and is basically in alighnment with I 95. it's wasteful and distructive. please let the county know that this road will not stand. Please contact these county commissioners
District 1
Cyndi Stevenson
Office Phone: 209-0301
Cell Phone: 669-2188
Email: [email protected]

District 2
Ron Sanchez
Commissioner, District 2
Office Phone: 209-0302
Cell Phone: 669-2965
Email: [email protected]

District 5
Rachael L. Bennett
Office Phone: 209-0305
Cell Phone: 599-3195
Email: [email protected]