To: Women's March, Inc, Board of Directors
Reinstate Zahra
Zahra Billoo deserves reinstatement to the Board of Womens March, Inc.
Why is this important?
Since the beginning, The Women's March has been about drawing in and uplifting the most marginalized people. That is the goal of the March, and of the movement behind it. We stand together, behind and beside each other. We do NOT abandon our sisters.
Audre Lorde told us that we do not know how to relate across differences. She was right. Discarding those people who care deeply, who fight hard for their communities, and who are willing to do the work to LEARN how to relate across differences, benefits no one but the oppressors. We must hold tight to each other, even when it is hard. Especially when it is hard. We must learn to make room for one another in the March towards a common goal.
Zahra, like us, has made mistakes and made amends.
Zahra Billoo deserves immediate reinstatement to the Board.
Audre Lorde told us that we do not know how to relate across differences. She was right. Discarding those people who care deeply, who fight hard for their communities, and who are willing to do the work to LEARN how to relate across differences, benefits no one but the oppressors. We must hold tight to each other, even when it is hard. Especially when it is hard. We must learn to make room for one another in the March towards a common goal.
Zahra, like us, has made mistakes and made amends.
Zahra Billoo deserves immediate reinstatement to the Board.