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To: School Board Member

Save The Youths!

As all Halifax and South Boston residents know, we will soon be getting a new High School..The current High School will be tore down and turned into a parking lots!But quite honestly there are a lot of useful space and resources available within the old high school!! We have a State of the art Auxiliary Gymnasium,as well as a Basketball and indoor Volleyball gym that will be demolished!Yes, I’m 100% sure that they will build Newer and better buildings in the future School, but That space could really be useful within our community! Yes, we do have a South Boston and Halifax Recreation department, but anyone that has been inside for a game knows that there is hardly enough space to seat everyone at either location.(South Boston Armory and Halifax Mary Bethune)!Secondly during basketball season, there’s usually games going on everyday at the Recreation Center, so beside the first 2/3 practices before season, there’s no other place to go to have them!Also there’s not a place for kids to go indoors openly to practice and put work into their craft and futures!Why not everyone come together and agreement on keeping portions of the old Halifax High School location, as a neutral location for our community kids,and turning it into a real community center for our youth, to have access to gyms within and in the off basketball season!The location is already there I already have 50 volunteers that would help maintain the grounds..If you feel that the old high school is of value to our community, than sign this petition and let’s stand together for our youths sake!

Why is this important?

Our Halifax County Youth has no place to actually call theirs..access to a safe space where they can work on themselves and their craft!! Idle time is never a good thing!


2023-12-19 17:31:32 -0500

50 signatures reached

2023-12-09 12:47:02 -0500

25 signatures reached

2023-12-09 09:25:47 -0500

10 signatures reached