To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Saving Social Security and Medicare

It's time for Congress to join the American people by having the same benefits as the rest of the American public. We petition the Congress to save Social Security and Medicare by eliminating their privileged status and investing and participating in the same system as their constituents. I ask that you support this petition for the sake of the elderly and handicapped, the most vulnerable people in our society.

Why is this important?

Petition Congress to have their benefits converted to the Social Security/Medicare system. By their participation, all legislation regarding Social Security and Medicare would effect them directly. By merging their benefits, additional revenue would be gained into the much needed Social Security Fund. As a senior on a fixed income, I have paid into the system my whole life. I fear now that the money I invested is at risk and at the mercy of those who are not directly effected by their decisions. Cuts in benefits will greatly hurt the elderly and handicapped, the most vulnerable people in our society. Make Congress accountable.