To: Attorney General Eric Holder, CIA Director nominee William Brennan, President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Say NO to Obama drone killing of Americans without trial!

The Obama administration has refused to disavow its policy of targeting American citizens suspected of terrorism by killing them with drone strikes, without charges, without due process, without right to a trial, not just overseas, but EVEN ON AMERICAN SOIL!

Please join us in calling out this overreach by the Executive branch as immoral, unconstitutional, and just plain wrong! Every American citizen possesses and deserves the right to due process under the law. The Obama administration's refusal to disavow this policy sets a very dangerous precedent which threatens the very fabric of our democracy and founding principles.

Please call on President Obama to personally and immediately address this issue and rule out using drones to kill American citizens without due process!!

Why is this important?

On March 6, 2013, during the US Senate confirmation hearings on the nomination of William Brennan as Director of the CIA, Attorney General Eric Holder REFUSED TO RULE OUT USING DRONES TO KILL AMERICAN CITIZENS ON AMERICAN SOIL, without trial and without charges.
Under intense questioning by several Senators, Mr. Holder repeatedly defended the Obama administration's drone policy, stating that the administration does not intend to conduct such targeted killings on American soil, but insisting that IT HAS THE RIGHT to do so if deemed necessary.