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To: City of South Fulton Mayor and City Council

Say NO to Rezone / Alternatives to Apartments on Campbellton and Fulton Industrial Blvd

We don't need 0 Campbellton CIR to be carved up and rezoned for Apartments. There are better, community-centered uses for the commercial land.

Reference: Case Z24-012/CV24-002 Application by SECC LAND LLC c/o Hakim Hilliard and the request to rezone 0 Campbellton CIR (Parcel ID: 14F0148 LL0553) from C-1 (Limited Commercial District/Cliftondale Overlay District) and CUP (Community Unit Plan District/Cliftondale Overlay District) to A-1 (Apartment Dwelling District). Development of 314 multi-family units and to increase height restrictions.

Why is this important?

We have a jewel here in South Fulton. 0 Campbellton CIR is located right around the corner from what is soon to be Westwood on the Chattahoochee ( It is already zoned for commercial use and has the potential to be a unique complement to Westwood's commercial offerings.

We need more community and business-oriented spaces in this neck of the woods, and 0 Campbellton CIR is the perfect opportunity.

However, the developers want to carve up the land to suit their own interests. This is understandable as their plans will net a minimum of 6+ million dollars a year in rent and the area is highly desirable. About 2/3 of the land will need to be rezoned. We are not against apartments as they are useful and necessary. Just not on this plot of land. Especially when it means a zoning change.

Timeline of Recent Events:
  • July 22, 2024: A public participation community meeting was held, for which many of us received last minute notice. There was still a decent turnout of concerned citizens, many of whom have reservations about the new development and who expressed concerns.
  • August 21, 2024: Planning Commission Hearing where a deferral was issued to Sept 10th.
  • September 10, 2024: Planning Commission Hearing where a deferral was issued to Oct 8th.
  • October 8, 2024: As I usually get the agenda via a mailing list on the day of, I do not know if there will be another deferral. It's possible that they will put forth a request again on this day.

This is also a call for a Community Pulse.

Developers, just like any other business, need to make money. So instead of constantly swatting down rezoning efforts, we can be proactive and declare what we would love to see in our neighborhood. This way, City Council has a "snapshot in time" of what their neighbors want and are better equipped to make decisions.

I'll go first. For 0 Campbellton Circle's 42.89 Commercial Acres I would love to see:

  • Coworking Spaces: similar to Atlanta Tech Village
  • Upscale Event Spaces and Conference Rooms
  • Local, non-disruptive "night out" places like Escape Rooms, and Painting
  • Affordable places to open a business
  • Local Fresh Markets or Greenhouses
  • Protected greenspace with safe walking trails
  • Community classes
  • Music Spots and Activity Spaces for Seniors to socialize
  • Dog Parks
  • Playgrounds
  • Etc. because I know you guys have even better ideas.

There is so much potential with the proper planning and the right developers.

I know places like these exist around our city, but they are scattered. Most often we have to venture into Douglasville or East Point. We need more closer to home.

Neighbors, I'd love to hear what you think and what ideas you have for what those 42 acres could be. But first, we need to stop the land from being carved up and rezoned into apartment buildings.

Please lend your voices below.


2024-10-08 17:49:18 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-10-08 10:04:23 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-10-08 08:47:47 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-10-08 07:39:32 -0400

10 signatures reached

2024-10-07 21:29:58 -0400

UPDATE: Another deferral requested.
Link to the agenda:

2024-10-07 18:46:02 -0400

It is important to note two things that I forgot to include:

First, this zoning change will create easements to the remaining land. SECC Land LLC only wants 27 acres out of 42.
The white block at the top of the image and the wooded area to the west will not be owned by the developers but they will have a right to cut through the land. This may make the remaining commercial land less attractive for development.
Secondly, they haven't purchased the land yet. It is contingent upon being able to get the zoning change.