To: President Donald Trump

Say "No!" to US strikes on Syria!

Without a request for help from Syria's neighbors, and the support of the UN Security Council, there is no call for the US to begin even closely targeted strikes on Syria. The loss of life in Syria--whether by bullet or chemical gas--is tragic. We should not be contributing to it. The Middle East neighbors of Syria must be the ones to enforce international law in their region, with our help ONLY if they request it.

Why is this important?

I am disappointed that President Obama seems to be repeating the mistakes of former President Bush. I voted for President Obama because I believed it was time for a change in our foreign policy from bluster to bolster, from aggression to assertion, from waging indiscriminate wars to fighting for peace and I thought this was a change President Obama believed in. I want to remind him that people still do believe in the necessity of that kind of change. And he needs reminding quickly--BEFORE American weapons are used against the people of Syria.