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To: Mick Howen (who works for MMSD), Jenni Lawler, Jason Fenske (who both work for Badger Bus)

School Buses For Everyone

Right now at MMSD schools we have two separate buses one for students who have accessibility needs and one for students who don't. We need buses for everyone and not separate buses, so everyone can have the same experience. We need buses that are wheelchair accessible and accessible to all students regardless of their mobility needs.

Why is this important?

Students who take the separate bus for accessibility needs don't have the social experience that other kids have. We think all students should have the same opportunity to get to know others and make new friends on the bus.


2021-11-12 10:28:32 -0500

350 thanks everyone!!!!

2021-11-08 13:21:51 -0500

Thanks everyone for signing we made it and were making progress thanks everyone!

2021-11-08 07:03:25 -0500

Thank you all we have made it soo far and I really appreciate all the signatures!.

2021-11-05 15:07:26 -0400

WOOHOO 118 SIGNATURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2021-11-05 13:56:26 -0400

100 signatures reached

2021-10-28 08:58:19 -0400

50 signatures reached

2021-10-28 06:57:53 -0400

One more then we will be half way Please share this and keep signing!

2021-10-27 10:21:27 -0400

25 signatures reached

2021-10-26 20:30:52 -0400

10 signatures reached