To: Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State

Secretary of State Clinton: Denounce police brutality in Myanmar

We respectfully call upon you to publicly denounce the Nov. 29 act of police brutality against monks and other peaceful protesters opposing the Chinese-backed Monywa copper mine in upper Burma/Myanmar.

While the U.S. has rewarded the positive aspects of the reform process thus far, we believe that the White House also has the responsibility to denounce human rights abuses and remind the Thein Sein administration that the world is watching.

Why is this important?

Burma/Myanmar has announced to the world that it is entering a reform period toward democracy, but the recent crackdown on peaceful protesters - mostly Buddhist monks- reveals the ugly truth. Unless basic measures are taken to honor the people's right to freedom of expression, the reform process is exposed as a sham intended merely to bring legitimacy to the government rather than true change in society.

The United States has been praising the reform measures taken thus far and responded with extensive rewards for good behavior. But the White House also has the responsibility to condemn human rights violations and remind the Thein Sein administration that the world is watching more closely than ever.

Please sign this petition to urge Hillary to denounce the brutal Nov. 29 attack on the Monywa copper mine protesters.
